Thursday, December 15, 2011

Email from Tracy 12/15/2011

Hello everyone-

Getting allergy tested ended up being a really draining experince (I had 4 big vials of blood taken too) so I will start my boot camp tomorrow or Saturday.

I did get this email from Tracy though. (you probably did too)

It is with great excitement that after many years of research, testing and developing meal replacements, I have finally succeeded with my Perfect Performance Wellness Formula. This shake is the ideal meal replacement and perfect addition to your daily workout. It takes less than 30 seconds to whip up, which is essential for all of us with busy holiday schedules!
It's easy to gain weight and lose some of your results during the holidays. With all of the hustle and bustle of the season, the last thing you're thinking about is making a nutritious meal for yourself. As women, we are natural caretakers and nurturers, and we often think of ourselves last. This often leaves us feeling depleted, which can negatively affect our health and self-esteem.
It has always been my mission to provide you with the tools and the truth, so that you can feel your best. With so many visions of beauty constantly thrown at us from every direction, you may find yourself wishing that those "quick fix" claims really worked. But for 13 years my career has been dedicated to supporting you and helping you become your healthiest self. With Metamorphosis, you have already found that there are no shortcuts to the perfect body. Just like with your workouts, you need to devote time each day to eating well.
However, I want you to understand that this is not your run-of-the-mill protein and weight-loss shake. I would never put my name on anything that failed to hold integrity of ingredients, or was unable to support your lifestyle while doing Metamorphosis. Most (and when I say "most", I mean 90%) of the weight-loss shakes on the market today do nothing for your overall health. Many are like cardboard houses with curb appeal. They have flashy labels and claims, but are loaded with all of the wrong ingredients. Some of these protein blends are not only weak, but if taken consistently they can actually cause weight gain!
  • Partially hydrogenated oil: to create a smooth texture
  • Non-fat milk powder: to keep the cost down
  • Corn syrup solids and lots of sugars: sweet taste, but harmful to your health
  • Low quality whey protein/domestic whey: can contain hormones, toxins and antibiotics
  • Probiotics: often listed as added benefit, without clinically validated strains
  • Artificial flavoring
  • Fructose as a main ingredient
Drinking shakes that contain these common gimmicks, and expecting to improve upon your health, is like planting dead seeds and expecting a lush, healthy garden to grow. It's just not possible to obtain or sustain great results with these products. And if you've tried other shakes out there and not seen results, I'm sure you can relate.
  • Fully discloses the amino acid profile, which makes up the complete protein formula
  • Includes all 8 essential aminos, and all branch chain aminos, which are necessary building blocks for developing muscle tone
  • Fructose and dairy-free, which helps to optimize your immune function
  • Provides highly-concentrated, pure immunoglobulins, a protein that helps fight bacteria and viruses
  • Provides intestinal support
  • Supports a natural response to inflammation
  • Supports healthy lipid levels
  • Supports lean muscle mass retention
I feel very fortunate to finally be able to offer my shakes as a solution for all of you, and I would like to outline my recommendation for implementing them into your daily eating plan. I recommend that you have only one shake per day as a meal replacement, whether you want to lose or maintain your current weight. I personally love my shake for breakfast, about 30 minutes before I workout. If you are on the Metamorphosis nutrition plan, the shake can act as a substitute for your Think Thin bar. Or, if you have weight and toxins to lose, then you can use the shake in combination with two very healthy meals each day to shed the excess baggage. I like to pour 2 glasses of ice water, put one scoop in each glass, and drink them both for added hydration. Some of my friends prefer to add 2 scoops of powder to their iced coffee each day. There are additional recipes on my website as well, and I would love for you to email me any recipes and suggestions you may have.

My day always starts with a shake, and from that I get a good 4 hours of clean energy without feeling deprived or hungry. I can honestly say that this shake, combined with Metamorphosis, is the total transformation package!
Please don't be turned away from this amazing opportunity by the price. It actually breaks down to $4.20/meal, which can easily be compared to a calorie-loaded drink at many chain coffee shops.
You know that you can't lose weight without exercise, but remember that proper nutrition is essential to not only lose weight, but lose the right kind of weight. Skinny fat is just as disappointing as fat, and I want you to be your most beautiful, proportioned, and healthy self.
Order your shake today!

Looks like a lot of people AREN'T ordering. Well it IS expensive, maybe they could lower the price a bit and more people would order. (I would)  But, as I said before if you have the money, give it a try for even 2 weeks. It did good things for me (kept me full til lunch time and I felt energetic on it as well as eating paleo) and who knows?  I only quit because of the price. 

I still have a 2 week supply left that I am going to get back on when I start my program. It's gluten and dairy free so I should be ok. :)

Have a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. Protein shakes along with fruits shakes and fruits juices help a lot to burn the fat and lose the excess body weight.
    One an other benefit of the protein shake is that it also very helpful for the muscles building.
    So by using the protein shakes you can get to benefits at the same time i.e fat burning and muscles building.

    Maitland gym
