Thursday, March 22, 2012

First Glimpse at Pregnancy Workouts!

Hello everyone! 

Quick blog post today- I'm at work, but I noticed that on there is now a short video of Molly and Tracy showing some of the moves from the pregnancy workouts that are coming out!  Very exciting!

You can also view the clip here! 

I do want to buy these in case I ever do get pregnant, but I hope that nobody goes out and gets pregnant JUST so they can do these. :)

I am very excited about this, and since Tracy says in the video even non-pregnant women could do them, perhaps these could be a good beginner workout? We'll see.

Have a great day!!!!!


  1. The arm exercises looks great; and I LOVE the set. I really can't resist Tracy; I might get them too (not pregnant though!). Hopefully there will be less "on the knees" work (which I don't like as much as standing).

  2. I wonder if the pregnancy workouts would possibly be suitable for REAL beginners to TAM who really have limited movement and such.
