Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 8 and a change of plan

Hello everyone,

I have come to a conclusion lately concerning my working out. I am really thinking of this weekend being my last Boot Camp weekend. Why? After having tried both Boot Camp and Metamophosis, I find Metamorphosis to be much better suited to my needs.

 1.I have found that although my weight on the scale has gone down, I attrtibute that much more to the diet than the boot camp workout. When I was on Metamorphosis before, I was seeing amazing changes to how I looked/measured as well as my weight. With boot camp, the looked/measured part is fairly minimal in comparison.

2.Time. I don't mind spending time cooking for myself, but 2 and a half hours of exercising is just a DRAG for me right now. Meta got me great results in an hour a day. Work days are VERY challenging for doing the boot camp workout.

3.I find the moves in boot camp to be a little much for me (sequences 2 and 3) because of my weight (extra body fat does not allow for easy movement!) , and lack of flexibility, the workouts involving the chair are really awkward and weird for my body. Perhaps when I slim down I can come back to them, but right now it would be just plain insanity. (I have tried them out of curiosity. Hilarity ensued). Meta is on all fours, no chair, and I can focus on form and blast the lard off of me.

I will still be doing boot camp until Saturday, then I will start Omni Metamorphosis level 1 and I of course, will be following the diet.

That said, since I am still on Boot Camp until Saturday, here's Day 8!

Day 8 was not the best day. After I got home from work, my apartment lost power (as did my whole block at least) because a big tree branch fell, downed a power line and landed (and damaged) someone's car. Not helping the fact that it was in the 90s, no power = no air conditioning/DVD player/etc. I ended up not doing my workout.

My diet went well, at least until dinner. I had eaten all of the food I was supposed to eat, but then dinner came and I caved. I ended up eating 2 taquito roll ups from 7-11 and a diet iced tea. Ok, the tea isn't so bad but the roll ups are what I feel guilty about. However, this act deterred me from doing such things again because I ended up paying for it later by feeling run down and with a bit of a stomach ache.

I will continue to eat the boot camp way and do some exercise until Saturday, then I will do my shopping for week 1 of meta and doing my pureeing (I am going to make my week 1 food in batches since its the same thing every day) on Sunday. Very excited!

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