Friday, September 21, 2012

Turbo Fire Day 4

Hello everyone!!!!

I could have easily made an excuse not to work out yesterday.  I had a Madonna concert to go to and I could have easily used that as an excuse not to exercise.  Worry not, it got done.  

The concert was awesome!  Madonna's still definitely got it!  All those pics of her with nasty looking arms, etc.... She did not look like that in the flesh.  She actually looked amazing.  I also bought a T-shirt from the concert (a bit small now so when I lose some more inches I will wear it.) and they also had coupons for the Addicted to Sweat DVDs.

So, if you haven't ordered your DVDs yet, you can get 10% off by entering coupon code MDNA2012.  You're welcome.

But yes, back to my workout!  I got Fire 30/Stretch 10 done before going to the concert! (yay!) It felt easier this time around.  At first, I thought it was an illusion that I had gotten a little stronger.  Then I got to the concert and my fitness was tested yet again.

I was way up in the back, and that meant stairs. LOTS of stairs. Surprisingly, I wasn't halfway out of breath by the time I got up all of them.  (Normally I WOULD have)

And my physical abilities were tested one more time- I had to leave my seat and at the end of the row, were two women who would NOT move to let me out. So, I had to climb down to the next row of empty seats (really high up and pretty steep) while they continued to sit there cramming nachos down their gullets. When I got back, I had to climb UP around them to get back to my seat.  For a fat girl, I would say I have confirmed that I have pretty damn good balance, haha.

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