Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Addicted to Sweat DVD 1 Review!

Hello everyone~!

I finally got my DVDs so as promised, here is my breakdown of the first DVD- Get Wet.

1. Warm Up- 3:34- Nicole takes you through some basic movements, like shoulder rolls, some plies, walking, jumping jacks, etc and it is done at a decent tempo, so it does get the heart rate up.

2. Dance 1 Tutorial- 3:18- Nicole teaches in detail each step of the first dance.  During the tutorial she is not jumping so much, so I think that it can be done at tempo without much jumping if done as she shows in the tutorial. It IS actual choreography so it may take time to learn. 

3. Dance 1 Breakdown- 10:41- This is all done at full tempo.  You start out with a little of the dance, and repeat and build up until you eventually learn the whole dance.  Despite being a learning part, it still can be a great workout since you are still moving constantly at tempo.

(4-7) Dance 2 and 3 have the same tutorials and breakdowns.  Total up-tempo dancing around is 30 minutes.

8- Bonus Performance- 4:33- Looks more like a music video but Nicole does a run through of all three dances learned. 

9- Cool down- 4:35- You do some light dancing and slowly cool down and decrease intensity/stretch.

My opinion- this looks like it would really help.  It's not Tracy's random bouncing around at all.  There is no "dance all 3 dances straight through" part but once you learn the combinations, I do not see why you can't do them to your own music. 

And lastly, Madonna does NOT appear in the DVDs nor does this contain any Madonna music, but the music is not bad. 


  1. I can't believe Madonna doesn't atleast do a testimonial on the DVD!!!! Great review--I'm ordering mine!

  2. Worth it? I am also a TAM girl but I am curious about these ones.
