Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Turbo Fire Prep Schedule Day 3/63

Hello everyone!

Today is my third day, and it's one of the easiest.  Why?

Rest day! 

Yep, it's a rest day today, but it's not TOTALLY easy.  There still comes into play the whole diet thing.  Rest days mean I have to be a little more careful with my eating.

My diet is starting to get repetitive but it works for me this way.  However, I did do something different for lunch (slightly).


Oatmeal with cinnamon and peanut butter


Grilled steak with Fukujinzuke (Japanese pickles- it's a mix of certain vegetables but it slips my mind what they are, this is the part I did different)
Brown rice
Miso Soup

Dinner:  TBA but looking a lot like lunch time and maybe with some vegetables.

See, I don't bring cooked veggies or stir fry to work during the day because they go nasty (at least to me, they start to smell kind of off-putting to me but others I know handle it fine and think I'm crazy) by the time it comes to eat them.  The pickles however stay good and they taste delicious especially with the rice. 

So dinner tonight will likely be rice and soup with something else with it. I'm allowed about 500 calories for dinner so I'm sure I can come up with something. 

Tomorrow back to working out, with Tone 30.

Have a great day!

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