Saturday, March 2, 2013

Turbo Fire Prep Schedule Day 6/63

Hello everyone!

After a super busy day, I finished 6 days of my prep schedule!

Turbo Fire wasn't my only exercise today, either.  I was out and about for most of the day and that involved a lot of walking. 

I went to the Japanese market, the Korean market, the European market and then Walmart.   I think I walked around for at least an hour-hour and a half.  By the time I got home (which was about 10 pm) 

I ate food. A lot of food, hahahaha. 

Breakfast:  Rice with an egg mixed in (It's a Japanese breakfast called Tamago Kake Gohan- you  break a raw egg into hot rice and mix it up)  406 calories (I  used a little more rice this time)


Korean Onion Ring chips (like our Funyuns but better) 390 calories
1 McDouble 390 calories


Gyudon (Japanese beef/onions/sauce on top of rice) 588 calories

Snacks: (here's where I got in trouble, hahaha. Went to the Japanese bakery and wanted to taste some of what I bought)

Korokke- (Fried mashed potato breaded and it's like a little cake- very good!) Calories- I have no idea!

Also even though I got home late, I got my workout done- 11:30 pm is better than never!  The workout was Core 20 and it was challenging but not impossible.  I still feel it a little bit afterwards. 

Tomorrow will be day 7! 

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