Monday, January 17, 2011

Usana Reset Cleanse Day 1! (part 1)

Hi everyone!!!

I have blogged in the past about a cleanse I was going to try- Reset by Usana.  Today is my first real day of trying it.

I made a minor attempt on Saturday to do this, but my body at the time just wasn't having it.

The product claims that this 5 day cleanse can help reduce or eliminate junk food cravings and kick start weightloss anywhere from 0 to 12 pounds in 5 days.

Starting weight today: 271.0 lb (approximately, my home scale is a little funky, weighing in at the gym tomorrow for more accurate reading)

So far, this morning I have had my first shake of the day- dutch chocolate flavored.  Surprisingly, out of the three flavors it comes with (chocolate, french vanilla and wild strawberry) chocolate actually tastes the WORST out of the three. Not terrible but compared to the other two, it's not as good.

My morning snack- an oatmeal raisin bar. Very tasty and when I look at the ingredients it is all natural. 

Lunch- Another shake, but the French Vanilla one. This one tastes more like sweet milk, which I don't mind. There is a vanilla flavor to it as well.  

That is all I have had for now, but the next snack is a chocolate peanut butter crunch bar, and dinner will be a strawberry shake, as well as a serving of vegetables and a serving of fruit. 

I am also supposed to be drinking up to 80 ounces of water. So far, 32 down. 

Exercise- must be light, for 20-30 minutes. This means for the next 5 days, no Tracy Anderson.  I will keep it to a brisk walk until I am finished with my cleanse.  I start going to the gym tomorrow, just going to do some stretches and a walk.  I can't wait for it to be over so I can do some treadmill dancing.

For now, that's all folks, will post about my evening tonight or tomorrow!  If you want to know more about the cleanse or trying it, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely want to know how it goes (not to be all blog stalker-y or anything). But, I have the sugar cravings big time! It's so difficult, isn't it? Anyway, I'm wondering how it clears those away for you. Good luck! And also, I hope everything works out with Financial Aid - totally know how that is, so best of luck, and don't let it get you down.
