Sunday, December 8, 2013

Planning ahead- Preparing for my Next Semester of School

Hello everyone!

After this week, I will be off of school for a little over a month and I have taken a look at my schedule for next semester and... I am a lot busier.

This means the only time I would have for a work out is early in the morning.  Like 5 o'clock in the morning. 

I start work at 8 am, so perhaps that could work for me.  

The hard part for me is- getting up that early to exercise.  

So, I am thinking and looking up ways to change my  habits so that I have an easier time in the morning to get my workout done.

The most obvious (and hardest) thing that I will have to do is start going to bed earlier.  And that means unplugging from my precious social media. I have a very bad habit of checking my Facebook all the time, and I have that nagging feeling that I am missing something or hurting someone's feelings by not being online. Yeah, I am crazy.

That kind of thinking has to end and I need to start putting myself and my health first.  I will be going to school at night several times a week and I really do not want that to be an excuse to not work out either. 

I am also coming up with ways to save time on making meals that are also, importanly, portable. I think I will be eating a lot of sandwiches in the future.  An inexpensive way I found to make gluten free sandwiches is to use corn tortillas in place of bread.  

I only need to make it through this week and I can start doing what I need to, and also my Dance + Cardio should be here by the end of the week too!

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