Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just not feeling it today...

Hey everyone.

So last night, I was all gung-ho about getting my workout in today, even went to bed early for it. Then I woke up.

I woke up to 3 more inches of snow on the ground (that I had to get up and shovel) and a complete and total lack of motivation to do anything but sit in  bed in my warm comfy pajamas, feel sad, and eat.

I blame this not only on the season (I tend to become more depressed and moody in the winter) but also other things I am going through.

- Christmas depresses me because I miss my parents, who are sadly no longer with us. 
- My body has apparently decided to give me severe PMS for Christmas. Thanks!!!
- Problems people are apparently having with me, other people's negativity, etc is piling up

And those are just the tip of the iceberg.

As for motivation- Nothing is helping!!!! I went to the facebook groups, watched the YouTube videos and even read other people's blogs. Nothing doing.  I really hate this and I hope it doesn't happen when I start bootcamp in January. 

If I DO feel up to working out, you guys will be the first to know.

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