Sunday, April 1, 2012

Feeling proud of myself

Hello everyone!

I'm about to take on my 6th day of meta, and I am feeling pretty proud that I stuck to it this long.

I am hoping that this keeps up because I am starting to see some results. 

I can't wait until this Friday- I start level 2 and I take my first measurements since starting.  I can already tell there will be a difference- everything is starting to look tighter and smaller. 

One bad thing- I slept on my left shoulder funny AGAIN. I took some ibuprofen (it hurts that bad and massaging it isn't helping) and when that starts working I will carefully do my workout today. I hate when this happens!!!!!!

I'll update on my workout later on today, have a great Sunday!


  1. It is good you are sticking with it. Here's to starting L2 soon.

  2. Congrats! You're a good influence. It is a new month, and a fresh start for me on the ACT Method!
