Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 35- 9/5/10

Hello again!

This has been 5 weeks into it, although week 5 wasn't stellar at ALL.  However, there's always next week to do better!

I did get the opportunity to see an excerpt of Tracy Anderson's new book (Comes out this month actually~), and all I have to say is DO WANT!
The link to the excerpt is here:

 I have discovered that my hormones are my main weakness. I do however give myself credit for not going crazy with the eating every day this past week, as I normally would. I have a terrible feeling doing PD1 after all this slacking is going to hurt. In a good way.

Next week will be better- We have a holiday in the US, I have the day off tomorrow from class but NOT from Tracy Anderson. :)

Have a great week, and see you tomorrow as usual!


  1. Hi Roxanne-I give you a lot of credit for sticking to this even after you have days of not following it. That takes a lot of dedication!

    I think you should consider purchasing Jillian Michael's book: Master your metabolism.

    Its about how hormones control your metabolism and your weight. She gives you eating advice and a diet to follow so that you can manage your hormones and in turn manage your hunger. I think it would really help you out! Might as well give it a shot! =) Best of luck girl!

  2. Yeah, Tracy's new book looks great! And it's cool that she includes a cardio DVD with it so you don't have to buy one separately.

    It's great that you're committed to sticking with this program even when you had a bad week. Never giving up is key, and I know you will eventually get to your goal!
