Monday, November 21, 2011

Abcentric days 3-7

Hello everyone!

Sorry about the lateness. Also notice I changed back to Abcentric.  I have reasons for it. 
I changed back to ab because after previewing hipcentric future levels I was like.... Blah. It looked really repetitive to me, and only seems to really work the hips (which I don't have much of.).  So, I decided to do the centric I PAID for, which is Ab.

I can pretty much sum up the past few days' workouts in one description.  I did 30 reps of MS (I can't seem to get past that many without being sore as hell) and 30 mins of DC... And this is where it gets better-

I can now start JUMPING in the cardio section. Not the whole 30 minutes but at least like, 20% of the time I can jump along with Tracy.  The first time I did it I wanted to cry. I really didn't think I would even be able to do THAT much this soon.  Also, NO pain. No knee pain, hip pain, ankle pain, etc from jumping. I am now trying to focus on building up my endurance with that. 

Also I think my diet is playing a HUGE role in this, but another post on that later.

Just trying to catch up a bit here. Can't WAIT to start Ab 2 because I am so sick and tired of level 1. Really.

Have a great day!

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